Hacking Ético
Carlos Tori

The ACM SIGCSE Spanish Chapter is the chapter of theAssociation for Computing Machinery (ACM) Special Interest Group onComputer Science Education (SIGCSE) serving Spain. It startedoperations in 2008. The chapter provides a forum for common problemsamong educators working to develop, implement and evaluate computingprograms, curricula, and courses, as well as syllabi, laboratories,learning technologies, and other elements of teaching and pedagogy. The Chapter supports activitiescomplimentary to SIGCSE, the ACM, and other ACM activities in theSpain area.
The Chapter is organized and is operated foreducational and scientific purposes to promote increased knowledge ofand greater interest in computing education as a means ofcommunication between persons having an interest in computingeducation.
The workshop on Methods and Cases in ComputingEducation (MCCE) is the first of a series of events that mainlyintends disseminating the activities of the chapter members, dealingwith the joy, pain and hope of our daily teaching and research laborin computing education. The MCCE workshop constitutes a forum open toanyone who wants to contribute to the chapter aims. The born of theChapter and, specially, the first edition of the MCCE workshop, hasas an objective to contribute to the active discussion on theEuropean Higher Education Area that is currently being held among theSpanish Higher Education community. A number of nine contributionsrelated to this aim have been selected after a peer review processcarried out by the chapter committee members.
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