La magia de la transformación

After all, aviation is no t only a sense of unease while facing de unknown, it also rewards us with a sense of adventure.
This book aims to incentivize and encourage, so that all passengers can develop a taste for flying, and, above all, so that they feel relaxed while boarding an aircraft and leave all doubts, panic or fears behind.
The sky is friendly and safe. Fly in peace…
Flying in a bright blue sky is an exhilarating experience to say the least and can bring a real sense of comfort, especially when you appreciate the inmmensity of the skyline. This panoramic and cinematic vision often provides glimpses of the most stunning things on Earth.
This book aims to share, with the general public and avid readers alike, a simple picture of the prominent role of aviation as a means of transportation, often the most viable means, amongst many other options.
Because flying saves time; and if we choose not to fly, we will simply postpone the possibility of fulfilling a long-cherished dream.
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