Pilar Bellés Pitarch

The feelings of a cathar woman in prose and poetry.
In this historical and poetic study from the perspective of gender equality we will see the medieval world through the eyes of a Cathar woman called Raimona (Raymonde Piquier). She is remembered in history to be the wife (or the lover) of the last Cathar that was burned in the bonfire, Gillaume Bélibaste.
There are few portraits of the ladies of these centuries and history forgot to include them in their pages. In this study we will try to recreate Raymonde with the little data we have: her face, her smile, her way of dancing, her behaviour, what she thought of the world of men... With this book we will give voice to all them through the Cathar Raymonde and other brave women of the Middle Ages who fought for justice. This historical and poetic study will be a tribute to those women, such as Raymonde, who remained silent for centuries because of a patriarchal society; women who have not been able to go into history for their ideals and were treated badly by an unfair society with them. We must point out that giving voice is a poetic license as Raymonde, in life, never opened her mouth to express what she thought. We will do it for her. Finally, it will come true what Safo de Lesbos predicted when she said: "Someone will talk about us when we won’t be."
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