Origen de los Indios de el Nuevo Mundo e Indias Occidentales
José María Herrou Aragón

Facsimil. London edition, 1880. Anonymously published, but attributed to Thomas Paine. Interesting essay about the religion of the Druids as origin of the freemasonry. 30 pages, 16x24cm.
The real secret of freemasons is not other than their origin. The absurdity of deriving masonry from the building of Babel. Masonry is derived, and is the remains of the religion of the ancient Druids. In masonry, many of the ceremonies of the Druids are preserved in their original state. The most perfect remains of the Druids' rites and ceremonies are preserved in the customs and ceremonies of the masons. The natural source of secrecy. The Institution, to avoid the name of Druid, took that of Mason, and practised, under this new name, the rights and ceremonies of Druids.
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